The VxRail API allows you to programmatically automate operations of your VxRail-based IT environment. For example, you can use the API to perform lifecycle management operations, collect log information or health data.
It is especially useful for managing multiple VxRail clusters or integrating with external configuration management or cloud management tools.
The best starting point is , which provide API documentation including VxRail.
POST /v1/system/initialize is the REST target to deploy the system.
You can find the documentation for all applicable parameters here.
In order to monitor the deployment status, GET /v1/system/initialize/status can be used or the VxRail Manager GUI.
The below example is a JSON to deploy a two node Dynamic Node cluster to an external vCenter Server.
{ "version": "8.0.210", "global": { "cluster_type": "DYNAMIC_NODE", "ntp_servers": [ "", "" ], "is_internal_dns": false, "dns_servers": [ "", "" ], "syslog_servers": [], "top_level_domain": "domain.lab", "ip_version": "IPV4", "cluster_management_netmask": "", "cluster_management_gateway": "", "cluster_vmotion_netmask": "" }, "storage": { "primary_storage_type": "EXTERNAL" }, "hosts": [ { "customer_supplied": { "current_root_password": "Passw0rd!", "management_ip": "" }, "hostname": "esx06", "accounts": { "root": { "username": "root", "password": "SuperSecret!222" }, "management": { "username": "vxrail_admin", "password": "SuperSecret!222" } }, "geo_location": { "rack_name": null, "position": null }, "network": [ { "type": "MANAGEMENT", "ip": "" }, { "type": "VMOTION", "ip": "" } ] }, { "customer_supplied": { "current_root_password": "Passw0rd!", "management_ip": "" }, "hostname": "esx05", "accounts": { "root": { "username": "root", "password": "SuperSecret!222" }, "management": { "username": "vxrail_admin", "password": "SuperSecret!222" } }, "geo_location": { "rack_name": null, "position": null }, "network": [ { "type": "MANAGEMENT", "ip": "" }, { "type": "VMOTION", "ip": "" } ] } ], "vcenter": { "customer_supplied": true, "customer_supplied_vc_name": "vcsa01.domain.lab", "datacenter_name": "DC_name", "cluster_name": "VxRail_Dynamic_Node", "accounts": { "administrator": { "username": "administrator@vsphere.local", "password": "SuperSecret!222" }, "management": { "username": "vxrailadmin@vsphere.local", "password": "SuperSecret!222" } }, "auto_accept_vc_cert": true }, "network": { "nic_profile": "FOUR_HIGH_SPEED", "vds": [ { "portgroups": [ { "type": "MANAGEMENT", "vlan_id": 201 }, { "type": "VMOTION", "vlan_id": 202 } ] } ], "systemvm_portgroup_binding_type": "EPHEMERAL", "management_portgroup_binding_type": "EPHEMERAL" }, "vxrail_manager": { "name": "vxrailmanager01", "accounts": { "root": { "username": "root", "password": "SuperSecret!222" }, "service": { "username": "mystic", "password": "SuperSecret!222!" }, "support": { "username": "service", "password": "SuperSecret!222" } }, "ip": "" } }