Quick post to show how to use VMware's fling esxtopNGC, which is a plugin-version of esxtop for the vSphere Web Client. The plugin displays ESX server stats in new and more powerful ways by tapping into the GUI capabilities of the Web Client. The fling requires VCSA 5.5.
Download link: https://labs.vmware.com/flings/esxtopngc-plugin
Step 1:
Upload ESXtopNGCPlugin.zip to the root of VCSA
Step 2:Unzip ESXtopNGCPlugin.zip -d /usr/lib/vmware-vsphere-client/plugin-packages/esxtop-plugin;/etc/init.d/vsphere-client restart
Step 3:After the restart of vSphere Web Client, log in the client and select one of your ESXi hosts and under "Monitor" there should be a "Top" option